Accounting Principles and Related Computer Applications
About the program
Its objective is to help the decision-makers (managers, executives, investors, small-business owners, etc.) to make better decisions. There is a high demand for accounting technicians both in manufacturing and service-oriented firms in the context of both large and small organizations.
The Accounting Principles and Related Computer Applications program has been designed to prepare graduates for immediate employment in the field of Accounting, particularly with the use of computerized accounting systems.
Program Description
The graduate of this program will be able to support an accounting department of an organization in a clerical role by assisting in the bookkeeping functions and in the processing of data and information as well as in producing basic reports.
This program is intended for individuals who would like to acquire or update basic theoretical and computerized accounting skills or for individuals who are seeking employment in the field of accounting support.
Exit Profile
Upon successful completion of the program students will be able to:
- analyze and process information in an accounting cycle
- manage bookkeeping procedures
- work in a computerized setting
- manage supporting tasks
- interact effectively in the context of different business situations
Condition of admission
Vous devez cependant vous attendre à devoir fournir certains documents tels que : un certificat de naissance, des preuves de scolarité (diplômes d’études secondaires, collégiales, etc.), des relevés de notes, une évaluation comparative ou des diplômes étrangers (si applicable), un curriculum vitae (CV), etc.
Pour les personnes nées à l’extérieur du Canada, vous devrez fournir une preuve de citoyenneté canadienne ou de résidence permanente.
Pour connaitre tous les détails à propos de la formation consultée, visitez le site Web des établissements qui l'offrent en vous aidant des informations qui apparaissent plus bas dans cette page.
Attestation of College Studies (ACS)