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Python - level 3

The following courses are offered by John Abbott College and with financial assistance provided by the Gouvernement du Québec - you pay $5 per hour.

About the program

This course is a continuation of the courses Python level I and level II. Students further advance in their exploration of the programming language. They will practice their programming skills with a set of guided programming challenges!

Topics to be covered

  • Introduction to basic GUI programming and concepts
  • Decorators
  • Collections Module
  • Map functions
  • Itertools
  • Lambda Functions
  • Intro to Numpy
  • Threading concepts
  • Event Driven Programming
  • Consuming APIs

This is a non-credit course. Certificate provided for all participants who have completed 80% of course hours.

Condition of admission

The admission conditions and the inscription procedures may differ from a CEGEP to another.

You should be ready to provide legal documents such as: a birth certificate, a proof of education (high school or cegep diploma, etc), some grade sheets, a comparative evaluation or a foreign degree, a resume, etc.

As for individuals born outside of Canada, you will have to provide a proof of citizenship or permanent residency.

To receive more details about the consulted program, please visit the website of the establishment offering the training, with the help of the information below.

John Abbott College (Continuing Education)

Course Attestation and Professional Development

Establishments offering this program

John Abbott College (Continuing Education)



  • 30 hours