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Techniques de la logistique du transport

This program trains people to handle the various stages of the logistics process, both physical flows (people and goods) and information flows. You will develop the skills needed to coordinate customer service, inventory management, transportation organization and warehousing.

About the program

The Transportation Logistics program trains individuals to become technicians who are capable of performing tasks at every stage of the logistics process. These individuals are responsible for managing physical flow (people and goods) and information flow.

Work environment
Transport logistics technicians work for manufacturing companies, distribution centres, warehouses, transport companies (road, maritime, railway and air) or for intermediaries (forwarding officers or customs brokers). They can also work for passenger transport companies or for businesses that provide logistics services.

Main tasks
In manufacturing companies, these technicians provide customer service, manage stock, organize transportation and coordinate warehousing activities.

In companies that specialize in goods transportation, they set rates, plan and organize distribution, manage vehicle fleets, perform representation and sales duties, provide customer service and process claims.

When working for passenger transport companies, they are mandated with planning and organizing transport, programming itineraries and schedules, and dispatching drivers and vehicles.

When working with customs brokers, they are responsible for documentation, preparing documents for customs clearance, and calculating required fees.

With forwarding officers, they are mandated with coordinating transportation and complementary services on an international scale. They also purchase and sell international transportation and complementary services, advise clientele and take care of documentation.

Condition of admission

Before applying to a program leading to a Diploma of College Studies (DCS), applicants who studied in Québec must meet the following three requirements:

The applicant must have a Secondary School Diploma and be in one of the following situations:
The applicant has a Secondary School Diploma (SSD)*
NOTE: a SSD holder that has not passed the following courses may be required to complete remedial courses:
Secondary 5 Language of Instruction
Secondary 5 Second Language
Secondary 4 Mathematics
Secondary 4 Science and Technology or Secondary 4 Applied Science and Technology or Secondary 4 Physical Science
Secondary 4 History and Citizenship Education or Secondary 4 History of Quebec and Canada
The applicant holds a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS) and has successfully completed the following subjects*:
Secondary 5 Language of Instruction
Secondary 5 Second Language
Secondary 4 Mathematics
The applicant has training deemed equivalent by the College.
The applicant has training and experience deemed sufficient by the College and has interrupted full time studies for at least 24 months.
The applicant satisfies, if applicable, the special conditions for admission established by the Minister which specify the program prerequisites*.
The applicant satisfies, if applicable, any special conditions for admission established by the College for each of its programs.

*If the applicant is enrolled in school and completing his or her secondary studies at the time of application, the grades sent by the school must demonstrate that the applicant is passing in all the courses required to complete the SSD and required to fulfill the admission requirements.

3 years

Technical Program