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Québec Standards and Practices in Public Works Design and Monitoring

This ACS is intended for immigrants who have a non-Canadian university degree or diploma equivalent to a DCS in civil engineering. This is an opportunity to update your knowledge of the Quebec job market.

About the program

On completion of this program, you will be able to:

- Carry out measurements and condition surveys of existing structures

- Ensure the quality and compliance of public works execution through inspections and monitoring

- Choose standards-compliant materials suitable for the work

- Perform tasks related to managing projects and public works sites

- Read, interpret and participate in preparing plans, specifications and estimates for public works

- Prepare tender procedure documents

- Prepare service offers (tender documents) in compliance with eligibility rules

- Apply design standards specific to Quebec

- Design elements of infrastructure and public works structures

- Comply with legislation and by-laws and establish relationships and permissions with the organizations concerned

- Establish and maintain professional relationships in keeping with industry practices

- Enforce health and safety rules and practices

- Enforce environmental protection measures

This course focuses on current workplace environments and is adapted to current techniques in the field (computer-assisted drawing, rehabilitation, environmental engineering). Course content is frequently updated based on industry needs.

Condition of admission

Les conditions d'admission et la procédure d'inscription varient d'un cégep à l'autre pour les formations menant à une AEC.

Vous devez cependant vous attendre à devoir fournir certains documents tels que : un certificat de naissance, des preuves de scolarité (diplômes d’études secondaires, collégiales, etc.), des relevés de notes, une évaluation comparative ou des diplômes étrangers (si applicable), un curriculum vitae (CV), etc.

Pour les personnes nées à l’extérieur du Canada, vous devrez fournir une preuve de citoyenneté canadienne ou de résidence permanente.

Pour connaitre tous les détails à propos de la formation consultée, visitez le site Web des établissements qui l'offrent en vous aidant des informations qui apparaissent plus bas dans cette page.

Collège Ahuntsic (Courses offered in French)

Attestation of College Studies (ACS)

Establishments offering this program

Collège Ahuntsic (Courses offered in French)


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